This website provides information about the business field of CO.DON GmbH, which has taken over the business operations from CO.DON AG.
Information on CO.DON Aktiengesellschaft can be found at


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The website was developed on behalf of and is managed by CO.DON GmbH (before: CO.DON AG). We expressly reserve the right to change or supplement the website, the Conditions of Use and the General Terms and Conditions without prior announcement and to suspend them in full or in part.

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CO.DON has compiled the information on this website to the best of its knowledge and belief. We endeavour to update and expand our offering continuously. The information on the website serves solely to present CO.DON, its products and services. No representation or warranty, explicit or implicit, is made as to the accuracy and completeness of the information on the website. 

You are advised that information which was accurate on the date published may no longer be so at subsequent times. We therefore recommend that you review and check the information from the website before use. We are happy to help you if you need advice or instructions referring to this.

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The contents, including all texts, pictures, graphics, audio, video and animated files and their arrangements are , subject to copyright and other intellectual property laws. Without the prior written permission of CO.DON this website and the contents provided on it (including in particular graphics, audio and video sequences, HTML-codes, buttons and text) may not be copied, reprinted, published, sent, transmitted, disseminated or distributed in any way. If you intend to use published contents of the website you must respect the existing intellectual property rights and all applicable terms and conditions of use.

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Unless otherwise stated or otherwise identifiable as third-party rights, all trade marks on this website are the property of CO.DON. All unauthorised use of these trade marks or other materials is expressly forbidden and constitutes a breach of copyright, trade mark law or other industrial property rights.


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Unless expressly declared otherwise, CO.DON is entitled to assume that the all information provided to CO.DON via the website does not infringe third-party rights. Furthermore, users are wholly responsible for the contents and accuracy of the data they transfer. 

The user agrees with the storage of these data by CO.DON and their use for statistical analysis or other named commercial purposes. This does not apply to personal data that go beyond master data or usage data within the meaning of Sections 14 and 15 Telemedia Act (TMG). 


International Users

CO.DON controls, operates and maintains this website. It is intended for international use. CO.DON does not guarantee that the information provided is correct worldwide. It is the sole responsibility of the user to ensure that retrieving or downloading contents is in compliance with applicable local law.


Applicable Law

All legal claims or disputes arising in connection with this website or its use are subject to the interpretation of the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, with the exception of provisions of international private law and the Hague Convention relating to a uniform law on the international goods of 1 July 1964 and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods of 11 April 1980.


© 2023 Published by CO.DON GmbH

Editor and publisher: Matthias Meißner, Director Corporate Communications / Investor Relations / Public Relations, CO.DON GmbH