This website provides information about the business field of CO.DON GmbH, which has taken over the business operations from CO.DON AG.
Information on CO.DON Aktiengesellschaft can be found at


CO.DON GmbH makes photographic and text material available to download from its website. Its use is subject to the following terms and conditions. Use is free of charge.

All photographic and text materials are subject to copyright. If no other source for copyright is mentioned, CO.DON GmbH is to be credited as the source. The credit should be clearly visible at first sight, e.g. by means of a copyright notice such as “© CO.DON GmbH” or a credit in the legal information section of a publication or website. Copyright is not transferred.

Photographic and text material is only provided for editorial purposes for use in print and online publications in accordance with applicable media and copyright law. Any other use must be cleared beforehand ( and is only permitted with the explicit approval of CO.DON GmbH. CO.DON GmbH reserves the right to withdraw approval in individual cases and to take steps to track the material if it suspects any misuse.

The photographic and text material provided may not be sub-licensed, re-licensed, disclosed to third parties or sold. Any modification, processing, montage or manipulation of the images requires the prior written approval of CO.DON GmbH. The photographic and text material may not be modified or combined with other images/texts or image/text statements that distort the image/text statement or show the provider/copyright holder in a frivolous context.

The photographic and text material must be deleted immediately after use and may not be stored for archival purposes.

CO.DON GmbH reserves the right to modify the photographic and text material at any time. The only files approved for use are those available in the download area at the time of use; any previously downloaded files or earlier versions of a file may not be used.

A free copy of every print publication is to be sent automatically to CO.DON GmbH at the address below. For online publications the precise link is to be sent to the email address below.

Corporate Communications
Deutscher Platz 5d
04103 Leipzig, Germany